CHEEKY MEETS HER MATCH (A MORE PERFECT UNION 2) BY DAVID & TEDDI BAGGINS 🌫🌫BLURB:🌫🌫 Cheeky is the naughty computer that oversees Center, a New Age California spank to love health spa. Doc, the resident psychologist administers spankings for the benefit of hopeful lovers seeking their path forward. Cheeky calculates that what is good for the floundering lovers is also good for the ill nation. She dispatches trained spank teams to go cure D.C, Hollywood, Wall Street and Silicon Valley. Good behavior breaks out across the troubled nation. Cheeky, for all her great equation of the human condition, could not calculate what follows. Divinity has put spank magic in those tender ruling bottoms. The age of spank unleashes a miraculous transformation; integrity and wonder are upon us. The spank teams return to Center to deliberate on how magic is changing them. What of the angels who appear in moments of spank exuberance? With the rebirth of spank frolic, as told in...