THE STINKING OLD NINTH (A TALE OF THE COAL CAPITAL) BY YU JIHUI 🌫🌫BLURB:🌫🌫 Soapy, a university graduate, graduated from his Alma Mater in 1968 when the Cultural Revolution was in ascendant and became a teacher in a small middle school, which was affiliated to a large coal mine. Already in his late twenties, he should have already been married according to the Chinese marriage standard. However, due to the Cultural Revolution happening at the time, he remained single. As a single man he was ridiculed, laughed at, and discriminated against in the whole district of the Coal Mine. Disheartened and disappointed, he set out to extricate himself from the predicament he found himself in. Along his journey of wooing, the majority of his successes and failures boiled down to him being a Stinking Old Ninth. A Moving and Funny Read exhibiting aspect of what really happened during the Chinese Cultural Revolution! 🌫🌫BUY LINKS:🌫🌫 A Cultural Revolution Romance in ...